Creative Image Conference.

Two of our PhD in Social Anthropology with Visual Media students, with support of AHRC, are co-organising the Visual Research Network 1st International Residency Conference and residency entitled ‘Creative Image; Ways of seeing, representing and reshaping reality’. The residency will happen from the 21st to the 25th of September here in the UK in the Peak District and the conference will take place between the 26th and 27th of September of 2018 at the University of Manchester, Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology.
The organisers invite theoretical, experimental, sensorial, and methodological contributions that cover themes including, but are not limited to:
- Image Ontologies
- The aesthetic developments of the medium
- The senses in visual ethnography
Film, photography, performance, cartoons, sound, drawings, and any other sensory materials produced through a critical, creative or reflexive processes in practice-as-research or ethnography are welcome.
More information and submissions on
(1) awesome folk have had something to say...
Peter I. Crawford -
March 20, 2018 at 12:27 pm
Sounds great, keep us posted.