The Man who almost Killed Himself.
The Man who almost Killed Himself is a new play and multi-media experience premiering at The Edinburgh Festival, on the BBC and at ODEON Cinemas around the country. A collaboration between theatre director Josh Azouz and Andrew Irving, the Director of the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology, produced by Hibrow TV.
Starring: Tonderai Munyevu, Danielle Vitalis and with live music by Ganda Boys.
See it live streamed on the BBC today
See it at Odeon Cinemas around the country
Source Texts:
“Ethnography, Art and Death” (2007) Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 13(1).
“Strange Distance: Towards an Anthropology of Interior Dialogue” (2011) Medical Anthropology Quarterly 25,(1).
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